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Last Revised July 13, 2019
Article I. Name.
The name of the organization shall be “The Illinois State Archaeological Society Inc.” It is commonly and henceforth known as the “ISAS”
Article II. Purpose.
- To promote the study of archaeology, especially in the geographical area of Illinois.
- To encourage the keeping of accurate records by our members of all archaeological discoveries so that such finds will have scientific value.
- To promote the preservation of important archaeological sites.
- To promote the hobby of artifact collecting by:
- Encouraging the cataloguing of artifacts so that artifacts and other ethnological materials from Illinois’ prehistoric and early historic past will be of importance to our membership.
- Taking a positive stance against the manufacture and sale of fraudulent artifacts at ISAS sponsored shows and elsewhere.
- Taking a positive stance against breaking of any federal, state, or local laws that serve to protect archaeological sites within the state of Illinois.
- By holding shows at various times and locations throughout the state of Illinois.
- To cooperate with professional archaeologist in salvage archaeology.
- To encourage, and where feasible, sponsor the publication of useful reports of archaeological interest to our members.
- To participate in a member of good standing in the Central States Archaeological Society, Inc.
Article III. Membership.
Membership shall consist of those person or institutions that shall pay dues as indicated below:
- Honorary members who shall be appointed by a unanimous vote of all voting members present at an official ISAS meeting.
- Active members who shall pay an annual due of $26.00, or the current agreed upon amount, per year. However, the annual membership dues may be waived in exchange for professional legal and accounting services provided to the ISAS by an individual otherwise qualified to act as an active member.
- Honorary and active members shall receive all regular publications issued by the ISAS and the Central States Archaeological Society, Inc.
Article IV. Officers, Editor, Professionals.
The elected officers of the ISAS shall serve in the following capacities:
- President
- First Vice President
- Second Vice President
- Secretary/Treasurer
Each of these officers shall serve a two-year term. No person shall serve in the same capacity for more than two consecutive terms unless a business case is presented, voted on, and approved by members at the election of officers. No person shall be qualified to serve as an officer unless such person is a member in good standing with the ISAS and lives within the State of Illinois or within 50 miles from the State of Illinois. The President and Secretary/Treasurer shall act as delegates to the Central State Archaeological Society meetings and shall serve as the named agents for the ISAS in representing the interests of the ISAS at all Central States Archaeological Society meetings. The president shall determine whether the Secretary/Treasurer or another appointee shall serve as the President’s companion to each such meeting.
The officers shall be free to appoint one or more persons to act as the editor of the ISAS newsletter and to coordinate the ISAS publication interests with the editor-in-chief of the Central States Archaeological Journal, which is published by the Central States Archaeological Society, Inc. The term limitations for the officers shall not apply to the editor. The state editor shall be accountable to the President. The officers shall also be free to appoint, one or more, persons to serve as the society attorney and accountant. In lieu of paying professional fees, the officers are authorized to waive the cost of membership to any such professionals as set forth in Article III, and to waive the cost of table rentals for no more than two tables per society show for each such professional. The editor, publisher of the ISAS’s newsletter, and the retainer of professionals shall be appointed or selected by the society’s President.
Elections of officers shall be held at the annual business meeting at the Collinsville show. The president shall appoint a nominating committee prior to the election meeting. The nominating committee shall present a slate of nominees to the meeting. Nominations may also be made from the floor by any member that is active and in good standing in the ISAS.
Additional duties of the officers:
- The president shall preside over all meetings, handle ISAS correspondence, and appoint appropriate committees, subject to the approval of the Executive Board. The President shall appoint all members of the Executive Board, and the members of the Executive Board shall serve for such a term as determined within the sole discretion of the President.
- The First Vice-President shall preside over all meetings in the absence of the President. The First Vice-President shall also be free to delegate duties to the Second Vice-President in such cases, as the First Vice-President is unable to perform.
- The Secretary/Treasurer send notices of all meetings, field trips, and other events of interest to members. He/she shall record minutes of all business meetings of the ISAS and maintain the minutes in the ISAS’s minutes book. The Secretary shall assist the President in handling correspondence.
- The Secretary/Treasurer shall promptly record all receipts and payment to the ISAS for membership fees and all other receipts, and promptly pay all just debts of the ISAS as approved by the President. The treasurer shall also prepare and issue, at the Collinsville meeting, an accurate, annual financial statement setting forth the income and expenses of the ISAS and all assets of the ISAS. The Secretary/Treasurer shall also keep and maintain the ISAS’s money in a checking account in a Federal or State licensed financial institution having sufficient FDIC protection for deposits.
- The two delegates to each Central States Archaeological Society meetings shall represent the ISAS. All votes cast by the delegates shall be in conformity to the directives of the Executive Board. All Central States Archaeological Society meeting minutes can be reviewed by contacting the Secretary/Treasurer of the Central States Archaeological Society.
- The President’s appointees shall serve as Executive Board members.
- The editor shall be responsible for approving such articles for publication as submitted by members in good standing for publication in the Illinois State Archaeological Society newsletter. The elected officers, together with the standing committee chairman, shall comprise the Executive Board.
- Officers shall assist with: table set up, 50/50 raffle administration, award judging, monitoring of fraudulent activities or artifacts, or any other activities as requested by the show host.
- Officers, and Collinsville Show Host, shall receive hotel rooms, compensated by the ISAS, for up to 3 nights, to attend the Collinsville show. Compensation shall be commensurate based on the requirement to carry out the above-mentioned duties.
- The Secretary/Treasurer must maintain liability insurance to cover the Society in the event the need arises.
Article V. Meetings.
- The President shall designate the time and place for each business meeting for the Society.
- Officers shall be elected at the first business meeting of the year.
- The President may call Executive Board meetings at any time so long as the President gives at least five days advance notice to the Executive Board members.
- Each business meeting shall be conducted pursuant to proper decorum and Roberts Rules of Order
Article VI. Finances.
- The ISAS fiscal year shall commence on October 1st of each year.
- The Secretary/Treasurer shall prepare and present an accurate and up-to-date financial report for the review and approval by the members at the first business meeting of the membership.
- The Secretary/Treasurer is authorized to open and maintain a checking account or other such financial accounts to deposit ISAS money into such accounts, pay the expenses of the ISAS, and pay such other money as directed and authorized by a majority vote of the members and as authorized in Article VI, paragraph 6.
- The President shall appoint a three-member panel to audit the ISAS finances after the Collinsville meeting as reasonably directed by the President. The Executive Board shall approve the three-member panel.
- Subject to the prior Executive Board approval, the Treasurer shall be permitted to deposit funds into an interest bearing account as may be deemed as surplus funds by the Secretary/Treasurer and the Executive Board. Surplus funds shall mean such sums that are not required to pay the expenses of the ISAS incurred in the ordinary course of business.
- No part of the tangible assets of the ISAS shall be paid, transferred, or given to any member, trustee, officer, executive committee member, or other private corporation as compensation. However, not withstanding such prohibition, upon a majority vote of attending members, at any duly called meeting of the members, the Secretary/Treasurer is authorized to pay such sum to any individual, institution, or organization that has demonstrated a bona fide need for such money in order to carry out the general work of archaeology in its most general academic sense.
- In the event a properly scheduled business meeting shall be convened and a majority of the members in good standing shall vote to dissolve the corporation, then the Secretary/Treasurer is authorized and required to wind-up the affairs of the corporation by:
- Collecting all money owed to the ISAS
- Cause to sell all tangible assets of the ISAS
- Pay all debts of the ISAS
- Donate such sums of the remaining funds to such organizations that
- Carry on education or scientific pursuits supported by the society
- Is a tax exempt organization under the United States Internal Revenue Code.
- Written requests, by professional archaeologists or institutions, for grant money or other funds requests shall be submitted to the President for review. The President, after reviewing the request, will submit requests to the Executive Board for consideration and approval at the next ISAS business meeting. Requests shall include:
- Details of scope of work and the amount of funds requested
- How the funds will be used to promote activities in support of the ISAS purpose as stated in Article 1.
- Identification of what benefit(s) will be gained by use of the funds for the ISAS membership at large.
Article VII. Publications
- The ISAS shall be affiliated with the Central States Archaeological Society for the purpose of publishing a journal. To help finance the printing and publication of such journal, the Secretary/Treasurer shall remit $18.00, or the current, agreed upon amount, per year per dues paying member to the treasurer of the Central States Archaeological Society, Inc.
- Special publications by the ISAS shall be authorized by a majority vote of the members present at any duly authorized business meetings.
- The Executive Board shall be authorized to approve up to four newsletters per year
Article VIII. Incorporation
The society shall be incorporated under the laws of the State of Illinois
Article IX. Amendments.
Amendments shall be made using the following process steps as applicable
- Amendments can be submitted by any of the following methods.
- Indirect Initiative, meaning a member can submit a typed or hand-written proposal to the President or Officer(s) for consideration and vote.
- Direct initiative meaning the President or officer may submit amendments for vote prior to a scheduled meeting.
- Amendments will be approved by a majority vote at a business meeting, so long as there is a minimum of 3 voting members present. Any officer or member of the ISAS has the opportunity to vote Yea or Nay.
- Amendments shall be published in the next newsletter following an approval as voted.
Article X. Show Hosting.
- All requests for ISAS sponsored shows will be reviewed and approved after review of the ISAS Executive Board. A written approval for show sponsorship is required to be submitted to the President and will be reviewed at the next scheduled business meeting.
- Show hosts are required to submit a basic P&L statement to the Treasurer within 45 days after the last date of the show. The P&L statement should show all revenue generated from show proceeds compared to a detailed account of the debits.
- Hold harmless and table agreements shall be signed prior to allowing a patron to use a table. The show host shall use a form that best suits the ISAS and Show Host protections from liabilities.
- It is the show host’s sole discretion to determine whom to provide a table to during the show. Authority to ask to remove persons or materials from the show will be at the sole discretion of the show host. However, if there are conflicts, the show host will be requested to brief the ISAS President on any conflicts.
- The ISAS will provide up to 2 free tables for any professional archaeologist formally requesting to participate in the show. The show host will determine if tables will be made available to satisfy the request. It is the requirement of the show host to request, to the Treasurer, reimbursement for these expenses related to professional archaeological attendees. If expenses are identified in the show P&L statement, exact debits shall be noted as such.
Adopted and approved by a majority of the members this 13Th day of July, 2019.
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